KinePhoto - Welcome #ተጀመረ

Posted by Super User
Welcome to our photo club.

Our mission is to create a community of photo enthusiasts all over the world. If taking pictures is your hobby or you would like it to be, please join us from wherever you are. Believe it or not, the idea of starting this photo club came more than 5 years ago, and we acted on it right away, in 2019 :) 

What you need to have to join us:

  1. Interest in photography
  2. Camera (your cellphone works just fine unless you have a flip phone)
  3. Internet access  
  4. A positive attitude...and sense of humor is a plus (we are here to have fun)

Members will have to take and send at least 5 pictures every two weeks. Instructions are uploaded on our site a week before photos are due.

We encourage members to meet in person and shoot together if they live close by. Club administrator will pick and post photos taken by members every two weeks. We strongly encourage members to share ideas and give constructive criticism to each other. Please don't forget to have fun. We know we are here to learn from each other, but, more importantly, we are here to have a good time doing what we love - take pictures!

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  • Guest - Selamawit

    I love this so much, thanks for doing this!

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